Life Hacks, Uncategorized

Uses for Vodka, Other Than The Obvious…

Other than the obvious uses for vodka, like putting it in a yummy drink, it has many other uses.  Apparently vodka and vinegar have a lot in common. Vinegar has so many uses other than consumption. And so does vodka. I have gathered countless tips from various sites and Pinterest, so I am sharing them with you. Your welcome! 🙂

I do suggest using the cheap vodka for these non drinking purposes. Vodka is vodka. Grey goose or Absolute, either will get the job done.

Ever have a band-aid that you know has to come off but don’t want to rip the hair out of your arm in the process? Saturate the bandage with vodka. The solvent dissolved the adhesive! Who knew?

 Uggh, cleaning a shower or bathtub sound extremely unpleasant. Let vodka make your cleaning easier. Fill a spray bottle with vodka, spray the caulking. Let that sit for a least five minutes, and then wash it clean. Alcohol kills mold and mildew.

A problem I frequently have is dirty glasses. Alcohol in vodka not only makes your glasses sparkling clean, it also kills any germs that were lingering on your lenses.

 I hate how short the life is of my razors. They are so expensive. Yet, being Italian, they are a necessity or else things can get a bit hairy. According to a Pinterest hack, filling a cup with vodka and letting your razor blade soak after shaving will not only prolong the life of the razor, but also disinfects the blade and stops rusting.

 Ever have a day where you didn’t have time to wash your hair? You go to bed and it’s fine and you wake up the next day and it’s all greasy. Yuck! Add a bit of vodka to a bottle of shampoo. The alcohol doesn’t just stop at cleaning the scalp. It also removes the toxins from the hair and simulates the growth of hair! Your hair gets the buzz!

 Numerous times around finals week I get super stressed out. Then I feel something starting to emerge on my lip. I hate cold sores with a passion. While Abreva is normally my go to. It works relatively quickly if I catch it fast before it gets too far past the surface. Don’t have any Abreva on hand? Put vodka on a q-tip. It will dry the cold sore out just like Abreva.

 I already knew vinegar can be used to take care of jellyfish stings. Vodka does the same thing!

 Out hiking and happen to accidentally touch something with poison ivy on it? Pour vodka over the affected spot. It will remove the urushiol oil from your skin.

 Have a tooth ache and can’t make it to the dentist? Swish a shot of vodka over the aching tooth. Keep the vodka in your mouth long enough that your gums can absorb the alcohol. This will numb the pain.

Have you heard any uses for vodka that I didn’t mention?

Leave me a comment and I will add it to this post!

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